That's funny. That's exactly the setup I have, want heat, make fire. But it's a state of the art cordwood gasification boiler. Put the wood in, light it, and walk away.
I am planning, playing around with, an AB micro 800 smart relay to automate several things, sources available, DHW priority, and heat scavenging with DHW priority. The micro 800 has 4 analog inputs and I've been researching, surfing the web, for the method of getting the LM35 semiconductor temp transmitter, 0 to 1 volt output, into the micro 800, 0 to 10 volt analog input. Looks like I should be able to do it with an op amp, but I have not found the standardized how to, and have other things I'm supposed to be doing. Pretty sure I've found an op amp that will work, so I'll be spending $150 for a smt soldering station and $20 for parts (two temp sensors for storage available and DHW return water priority).
Once the control is automated, I will forget about it. Until I want heat again, then it will be add fuel and light it, walk away and forget about it.
Web access and HMI would be nice with the boiler control, but not $1000 more, nice, which is what four Nests would be, like the next step up in web access PLC's.