You may want to look at 725.31
725.31 Safety-Control Equipment.
(A) Remote-Control Circuits. Remote-control circuits for
safety-control equipment shall be classified as Class 1 if the failure
of the equipment to operate introduces a direct fire or life
hazard. Room thermostats, water temperature regulating devices,
and similar controls used in conjunction with electrically
controlled household heating and air conditioning shall not be
considered safety-control equipment.
(B) Physical Protection. Where damage to remote-control
circuits of safety-control equipment would introduce a hazard,
as covered in 725.31(A), all conductors of such remote-control
circuits shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate
metal conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, electrical metallic
tubing, Type MI cable, or Type MC cable, or be otherwise suitably
protected from physical damage.