24VDC Battery Voltage

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Senior Electrical Engineer
I received this message, "Showing split voltage between the legs(+/-) only, PDC1 & 3. We're still having ground issues on PDC2 (all the power (24vdc) is hanging on the positive leg)", and the pictures concerning the voltage measured on a 24VDC battery rack. I'm looking for some guidance on why these measurements are being seen because I'm not usually involved with the DC system.

Picture 1, https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMoapypkuPU9lDdGXzAceNBDDkwP5bAivzeIlFc, has the DC voltage between the positive terminal and the case ground. This is in the electrical buildings, PDC1 & 3, mentioned above.

Picture 2, https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPgzF1nz_iAtrglZou4kyCNW6fA7p8Q9yiN8klL, has the DC voltage between the negative terminal and the case ground. This is in the electrical buildings, PDC1 & 3, mentioned above.

Picture 3, https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNi_4QPgVCPd3hd7Na94zLRlSI39BL_zu1w6h1C, has the DC voltage between the positive terminal and the case ground. This is in the electrical building, PDC2, mentioned above. Not sure if it has any bearing on the voltage measurement, but PDC2 is the only electrical building where the isolated (triad) ground has a single point connection to the plant ground grid.
210407-2322 EDT


Since you are listed as an electrical engineer you should have no problem figuring out your problem.

I can not understand your post because I have no idea what PDC 1, 2, 3 are, or how they relate to anything. And I can not access your three links.

From where did you receive a message? What does the origin of a message have to do with your problem? What do legs (+/-) mean? From where do these legs originate? What do you mean by ground issues? What do you meanly the 24 V DC is hanging on the positive leg? Why use the positive leg as your reference? How is the 24 V supposed to be related to ground, if at all? What do you mean by 24 V DC battery rack?

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