Re: 24VDC grounding
I can help you out with this one. For one there is no requirement to ground a 24-volt system, however I would not suggest it nor have I seen anyone do it.
The purpose is the same as for any system, to provide an inexpensive method of conductor/circuit protection. Otherwise you would have to use either fuses or circuit breakers on each polarity with expensive ground fault detection and protective relays. It is just a lot easier and less expensive to reference one of the polarities (usually the negative return bus on 24 VDC systems, and positive on 48 VDC) to ground, install OCPD on the ungrounded conductor, and use a equipment frame ground to provide a fault clearing path back to the source (return bus). Same as AC systems, just different terms.
If you left it floating and one polarity were inadvertently grounded, nothing would happen, well maybe nothing, depends on how the end equipment is designed. But all that should happen is a ground fault detection alarm should sound and the equipment keeps churning along happy as can be.