The Poco calls the 3rd wire a ground, (old POCO guys might call it the neutral) three wires should go up the stack.
The house neutral, meets the poco ground in the meter or the disconnect if both are together (IE side by side-and there is a CODE for that Variable)((IE if side by side))...
One will bring the the ground rod wire, the Poco ground, and the neutral from the panel all together; be it the at disconnect or the meter (see above). It all depending on how the POCO wants it, PER your region/area and blessed by the AHJ. those the neutral and the ground will be seperatered in the house
If your using EMT or Ridge in the stack the locknut is considered a means or bonding and because it is under 250V to ground, also a Code Article.
You really need to call your AHJ to have them decribe what they want which in most cases will not supercide the POCO, per your area.
Clear as Mud ?
Hope that Helps!