250.122(A) vs. 250.122(D) for Motor EGC's

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Electrical Engineer
250.122(D)(2) requires the EGC for motor circuits to be sized per the maximum allowed rating of a dual element time delay fuse used for short-circuit and ground-fault protection of the motor branch circuit when an IT breaker or MCP is used.

For smaller motors, this may require the EGC to be larger than the branch circuit conductors. For example, if a motor has a FLA of 15 Amps. The circuit conductors are required to be #12, however, the EGC would have to be #10 (Ref Table 430.52 for dual element time delay).

However, 250.122(A) states that in no case shall the EGC be required to be larger than the circuit conductors.

Does 250.122(A) take precedence over 250.122(D) in this example?

Thanks in advance.
250.122(A) applies as it says "...in no case shall they be required to be larger than the circuit conductors supplying the equipment".
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