250.134(2) exception 1

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Senior Member
atlanta georgia
Can a EGC be run separate from the circuit conductors?

Mike holts image says 250.134(2) MUST be contained, 2020 NEC says “THAT is contain within the same raceway.

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You are confusing sections.

(B) Conductors of the Same Circuit. All conductors of the
same circuit and, where used, the grounded conductor and all
equipment grounding conductors and bonding conductors
shall be contained within the same raceway
, auxiliary gutter,
cable tray, cablebus assembly, trench, cable, or cord, unless
otherwise permitted in accordance with 300.3(B)(1)through
(1) Paralleled Installations.

Conductors shall be permitted to be run in parallel in accordance with the provisions of 310.10(G). The requirement to run all circuit conductors within the same raceway, auxiliary gutter, cable tray, trench, cable, or cord shall apply separately to each portion of the paralleled installation, and the equipment grounding conductors shall comply with 250.122. Connections, taps, or extensions made from paralleled conductors shall connect to all conductors of the paralleled set, grounded and ungrounded, as applicable. Parallel runs in cable trays shall comply with 392.20(C).
Conductors installed in nonmetallic raceways run underground shall be permitted to be arranged as isolated phase, neutral, and grounded conductor installations. The raceways shall be installed in close proximity, and the isolated phase, neutral, and grounded conductors shall comply with 300.20(B).
(2) Grounding and Bonding Conductors.

Equipment grounding conductors shall be permitted to be installed outside a raceway or cable assembly where in accordance with the provisions of 250.130(C) for certain existing installations or in accordance with 250.134, Exception No. 2, for dc circuits. Equipment bonding conductors shall be permitted to be installed on the outside of raceways in accordance with 250.102(E).
(3) Nonferrous Wiring Methods.

Conductors in wiring methods with a nonmetallic or other nonmagnetic sheath, where run in different raceways, auxiliary gutters, cable trays, trenches, cables, or cords, shall comply with 300.20(B). Conductors in single-conductor Type MI cable with a nonmagnetic sheath shall comply with 332.31. Conductors of single-conductor Type MC cable with a nonmagnetic sheath shall comply with 330.31, 330.116, and 300.20(B).
(4) Column-Width Panelboard Enclosures.

Where an auxiliary gutter runs between a column-width panelboard and a pull box, and the pull box includes neutral terminations, the neutral conductors of circuits supplied from the panelboard shall be permitted to originate in the pull box.
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