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m sleem

Top-notch Сasual Dating - Real-life Females
(2) Outdoor Transformer. Where the transformer supplying the service is located outside the building, at least one additional grounding connection shall be made from the grounded service conductor to a grounding electrode, either at the transformer or elsewhere outside the building.
Does this rule apply for outdoor feeder transformer?
In terms of lightning protection, i think it's required particularly the code doesn't mention the distance of the transformer away from served building.
Even Though, can we play with POCO equipment?
Outdoor Transformer. Where the transformer supplying the service is located outside the building, at least one additional grounding connection shall be made from the grounded service conductor to a grounding electrode, either at the transformer or elsewhere outside the building.

So as I said, I hate this. This has been bugging me all day. What does this even mean? So I have my "regular" grounding electrodes/electrode system and grounding electrode conductor, and I have to add an addition grounding electrode conductor that connects to the grounded conductor at a different spot? It sounds like it could connect to a stand alone electrode if not close enough (whatever that would be) to trigger 250.50 or 250.58, otherwise it sould just be a second GEC connecting the same GES.
But still, it's required for feeder transformer.
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