I currently was given a new class on Service Entry. I have been trying to build a new curriculum on proper bonding and grounding for the class. I have been using a residential book for over-head and lateral services and Soars book on Grounding for commercial and industrial services. I have come across some irregularities in sizing of parallel feeds. If taken the information on 250.24 you are referenced to the cir-mil calculations and Table 8 Chapter 9 for total area and then T 250.66 for size of gec in each race-way. however if referring to 310.4 you are instructed that you only have to size the gec in accordance to the feeders per raceway not the total of the cir-mil of the combined raceways. I have to teach this information and can in no way be compliant in teaching this incorrectly. Any feed back on this subject matter would be appreciated. I am a set in stone kind of person and feel I have to absolutely know the answer or else I can not rest. Thank you for your help and considerations.