250.62 Terminology on MH Graphic

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George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Hospital Master Electrician
Am I correct in my assertion that the following graphic is incorrect?


I believe the objects listed in 250.68(C) exist between a grounding electrode and a GEC.

CMP 5 in response to Comment 5-49 said:
Panel Statement: The revised text clarifies that the structural metal is treated the same as the metallic water system. The application from the charging paragraph of 250.68(C) makes it clear that structural metal can be used to connect wire type bonding jumpers or grounding electrode conductors to the structural metal as an extension of the wire type bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor.
Frankly the only thing I didn't know was the 18" call out!

The last water line connnection I made was across a building over 60'... The inspector
stated that he felt this was more important than another other GEC!
(if I'm even quoting him right)

But for me, Reading CMP's is like reading Lawyer's contractual legal work!

After listening to a MH free lecture and his comment on his own graphic's of how
people like to get excited to find fault in his graphic's, I'll never make another one.
Am I correct in my assertion that the following graphic is incorrect?
I believe the objects listed in 250.68(C) exist between a grounding electrode and a GEC.
By your description, I cannot discern what is in error in the graphic...???

250.68(C) in essence permits any of the three electrodes to be used as a GEC or bonding jumper extension.
By your description, I cannot discern what is in error in the graphic...???

250.68(C) in essence permits any of the three electrodes to be used as a GEC or bonding jumper extension.
I think that is exactly George's point...the NEC permits those items to be used as a GEC, but they are not actually GECs. I tried a proposal a couple of cycles ago to call the building steel a GEC and CMP 5 did not like that idea.
I saw this last night after teaching a class on grounding Saturday. One thing I emphasized as I approached and then covered 250.68(C) is these items are objects between a GEC and a GE, not GECs themselves. I saw the graphic, re-read the code and doubt what I said.
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