250.64(C)(2) and continuous GEC

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Senior Member
Master Electrician, Electrical Inspector
What are some real world examples of “busbars….connected together to form a GEC”? Also is the reference in 250.64(C)(1) stating that anytime a wire type is spliced, it must be irreversible, etc. In regards to 250.64(C)(2), can the GEC be brought to a sub panel, spliced on the equipment ground bar, then ran to the service panel? Does that meet the intent of 250.64(C)(2)?
In my opinion the example of a bus bur used as a GEC is the room ground bus sometimes seen in industrial power distribution.
It is my opinion that the panel equipment grounding bar does not meet the intent of 250.64(C)(2). That list item applies to the bus bar itself and not to a splicing method for conductors of the wire type.
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