250.64(C) - Continuous GEC

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Senior Member
250.64(C) states that a GEC must be continuous UNLESS spliced by irreversable compression-type connectors listed for the purpose or by exothermic weld.

It is the term "listed for the purpose" that puzzles me a little. I have never needed to splice a GEC, so maybe I've just never noticed that there are compression-type connectors listed specifically for splicing a GEC.

Does this reference mean literally listed as suitable for splicing a GEC or do they mean listed as "irreversable?"

Just curious...thanks


Senior Member
Re: 250.64(C) - Continuous GEC

Per the KDER guideinfo from UL:

Listed irreversible compression type connectors are suitable for splicing the grounding electrode conductor.
This indicates to me that the product does not have to indicate for use as suitable for splicing the GEC, just that it is a listed product.


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: 250.64(C) - Continuous GEC

Any of the compression splices, taps, etc. that take the old time "BG" or "5/8" crimping die were originally designed as bonding grid splices (thus, the BG).
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