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250.68(C)(2) states that 'The metal structural frame of a building shall be permitted to be used as a conductor to interconnect electrodes that are part of the grounding electrode system, or as a grounding electrode conductor.' Does this not mean then that the building steel does not have to be a grounding electrode in order to be a conductor between electrodes? For instance, if I had a steel building that was not in direct contact with the earth for 10 ft. or more couldn't I still go from my service disconnect to the building steel and then 100 ft. away go from my building steel to within 5 ft of where my metal water pipe enters the building and be within the code?
Yes , well maybe, but you need grd rods, too.. If I read you correctly. Your building steel does not touch the ground. The water line is the superior grd in this case.

I was originally thinking you were talking about a separate building.
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Thanks for the reply. Yes, the water line would be the main grounding electrode and the steel is not connected to the earth. I could then go from the steel to whatever other electrodes are present, correct?
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