250MCM alum, for 200A service 500ft from meter.

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New member
United States

I was an electrician in the Air Force for 12yrs, but it has been a while. I am building a 30x40 shop in a rural area on some property I own. I have been in touch with the POCO and they are getting ready to set a couple poles along the road to extend service to my property, as well as a pedestal.

I am not a fan of overhead, plus it would cost me $3500 a pole to have the POCO run them down my 500ft driveway. It will be a good pull, but my plan is to trench and lay 3 separate 2" conduits for the single phase service. By my calculations 250mcm should suffice and pull a little easier individually in a 2" conduit, plus if there is ever trouble for whatever reason down the road, it would be easy to isolate and pull just one new wire.

The plan is to land the 250MCM in a Square D 200amp Homeline panel with feed through lugs, mounted on the outside of the 30x40 shop. This double as the service disconnect and allow me to use the feed through lugs for the 2500 sqft house we plan to build later on.

Platt electric has 250mcm for $1.22 ft
So I'm looking at $1830 for wire and the panel is only $110.
1500 ft of 2" should be right around $1000

So for about the price of one pole from the POCO I should be able to do it all and no nasty overhead to look at or worry about critters and trees.

Like I said it has been a while, but just looking for some input. By my calculations and NEC research this would all be legal and suffice. If I am overlooking anything or any suggestions, please let me know.

You really need to get someone who has experience. It is very unusual to run 3 conduits and is only allowed under certain conditions. I doubt that this job would qualify

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