277 fluer. lights in commercial

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I heard that as of Jan 2008 all fluer. lights in a commercial building must have a disconnect, not a switch, physically on or in each light. Like a single pole switch isn't enough.


Staff member
rbaitz said:
I heard that as of Jan 2008 all fluer. lights in a commercial building must have a disconnect, not a switch, physically on or in each light. Like a single pole switch isn't enough.

Yes, that rule actually went in with the 2005 NEC and gave us 3 years to get used to the idea. :smile:

Can I ask what you see as the hardship? :confused:

Here is a fixture disconnect that will meet the requirement.


Ideal sells them by the bucket full.

PowerPlug? Luminaire Disconnect


Senior Member
These are actually not a bad idea, in my mind. Given the failure rate of electronic ballasts (at least around here), this would save alot of time, and be safer than working it hot, especially 277.

Despite all the new safety rules, guys are going to change ballasts hot. These would certainly make it safer. Are these required to be installed in existing fixtures when they're worked on? If so, I have to wonder how many of us will be hurt or killed during this process.
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