277 or 480 v eccentric, concentric bonding.

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Senior Member
Hanover park, il
from what I understand, we use bonding busing around eccentric, concentric on the service side of 480 volts, what about the load side of the OCPD when I run
a feeder from the breaker to another disconnect or cut box that has eccentric, concentric knocks, do we use bonding busing??

I looked at 250.97 bonding for systems over 250 volts. what I read I did not see any thing saying about the load side of the OCPD.

Thank you, for any and all information.

"Special" bonding is required on the line side of all services regardless of voltage or whether or not there are concentric KOs. See 250.92.
480/277 on the load side of a breaker needs bonding around if you have concentrics that are not specifically listed for grounding above 250 volt. Few are so rated but 4S boxes usually are.
Things like disconnect switches do not have concentric or eccentric KO's listed for bonding over 250 volts. For the 4" and 4 11/16" boxes we use they all do have such a listing.
It’s easy to tell if you need a bond bushing. If the ko is easy to push out yes. If it requires a screwdriver and Klien “hammer” no.
"Special" bonding is required on the line side of all services regardless of voltage or whether or not there are concentric KOs. See 250.92.
480/277 on the load side of a breaker needs bonding around if you have concentrics that are not specifically listed for grounding above 250 volt. Few are so rated but 4S boxes usually are.
I do thank you all for your information, it is very helpful.
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