28 Days

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Got a fast track build out and was supposed to use existing panel. Found this and have an idea how to fix it using factory mounting holes. I'm worried that if I try to check torque on the 3/0 it will break loose again.

Help please.

View attachment 1407
HaskinsElectric said:
I would just move it over a bit and drill and tap new holes.
If you look at the mounting holes I would be bonding the bar to the panel. First means of disco is remote. I was thinking I could use some PVC tubing and a fiber/plastic type washer.

Again the concern would be torquing the 3/0 and the bar bustin loose again.
The way I look at it, it's an isolated neural bar and there are no bonding issues so the only thing you need to worry about is keep your mounting method sturdy. I have mounted a neutral bar with a couple of self tapping screws ( making sure not to touch the metal and thus keeping neutral isolated ). If it makes you feel any better slap some gorilla glue behind it.

Let the criticisim begin. :grin: :grin:
josh greene said:
That is a crazy looking panel. Yea i agree i would just grill it out and tap it and just bolt back down. And with the looks of that panel, BE CARFUL :D :D

This jurisdiction is small and if they see the repair could use 110.3(B).
HaskinsElectric said:
Oh, I thought there was a Bakelite or plastic holder of some sort.

There used to be. Thats gone now. Meeting with the GC at 6:30 tomorrow morn. I hope he will say change the panel. Figured I'd run it by you folks as I don't use Sq/D and this could be common with an easy fix.
chris kennedy said:
There used to be. Thats gone now. Meeting with the GC at 6:30 tomorrow morn. I hope he will say change the panel. Figured I'd run it by you folks as I don't use Sq/D and this could be common with an easy fix.
Which one will make you the most money? The easy fix or the new panel?
Fix it and if it breaks again they'll blame you.

I would try to sell them on a new panel with a ground bar. :)
personally i would try to sell him a new panel. maybe one of those cutler hammer retrofit panel kits would work in this situation. might be easier than ripping out the entire can
electricalperson said:
personally i would try to sell him a new panel. maybe one of those cutler hammer retrofit panel kits would work in this situation. might be easier than ripping out the entire can
It's a surface mount. I would be cake. I am just trying to see if any of you have repaired this as a RFI to the EE could slow this down.
how old is that? I havent seen a QO with a neutral bar like that before. I wonder if a new interior would fit in that can.
I'm with growler. I'd isolate and self tap that bad boy back in place.

I have made PVC stand offs before.....don't remember the application. They cut square and clean with PVC cutters.
What will a new SqD QO can cost ya? You already have some breakers, and those two conduits are only going to get in the way...

Thumb - Clip - Pull - Pin - I'm Up! He sees me, I'm down.....
(Someone here knows what that means....)
Let the spoon fly and start over.
Yep - but my point was with only 28 days on a fast track - why bother waisting a half hour or more with a busted bar in a nearly empty panel that will a half hour to replace. And then build the infrastructure of a build out on a foundation of sand. If anything just grab another panel with a new buss bar and toss the rest - but why? Just put it in.... With a SqD the holes may even match - but then again this one looks like it has space issues.

Better yet - J-box that thing and nipple a new SqD panel next to it where those outlets are....
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chris kennedy said:
This jurisdiction is small and if they see the repair could use 110.3(B).

Chris , I can't imagine why an inspector would use 110.3(B). This isn't a ground bar or a main panel neutral bar it is a neutral bar that is isolated from the can. If the bar is fixed to the can securely what be the problem.

I give you my blessing on your install.
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