I am trying to install a temporary overhead feeder originating from a 400A pole mounted panel. The feeder would be span between wood poles terminating at a building with a weather head, then down (in conduit) to a 200A panel. To my knowledge they do not make a quadplex areal cable with ground and/or 5-plex areal cable (L-L-L-N-G). what would be the correct method to do this. My thoughts would be to wire-tie a neutral conductor to a quadplex wire and use the steel carrier as the ground. Other though would be to use SER cable, however would it be able to span about 130feet without serious drupe (does SER cable need a steel support cable of some kind?) My final though which I do not think is code compliant is to not install an overhead ground and install ground rods at the 200A panel. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks, Mike
Thanks, Mike