3 phase transformers with 3 phase unbalanced faults

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A 3phase 1000kVA, 11/0.4kV, delta-wye transformer connected to wye 3 phase unbalanced load- Za=j0.5pu, Zb=j0.8pu, Zc=j0.3pu on a 1MVA base.

Sequence Impedence X0=X1=X2= j0.1pu.
Source Voltage at primary Vab=11/_0kV, Vbc=11/_-120kV, Vca=11/_120kV

star points of transformer and 3phase load is solidly grounded.

QUESTION: Find line and phase current at primary side.

can anyone help me solve?
its a take home quizz that supposed to boost up the final score by 15% as everyone is did badly in this paper. can you solve?
i manage to find on single line to ground fault, double line to graound fault but none on a 3 phase unbalanced fault.
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