3 pole vs 2 pole disc sw

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Senior Member
A 3 pole 3 ph fused disc sw was specified in a single phase supplied motor.

with one pole to not be used.

wouldn't it be better to just provide a 2 pole 1 ph sw?

please see attached picpic.jpg
This type of question always reminds me of an old Jerry Clower story-and I am not trying to be mean or facetious-just saying--
One day he went to a factory for a show given by management for the workers. as he was sitting in the cafeteria talking to the folks prior to the show one guy comes up and starts in like this--" The management wants us to save power by turning off the lighting in the restroom as we leave--Now, I have done this study and can prove that it is cheaper to leave the lights on--what do you think I should do with it?"

And Mr. Clower replied, " did management ask you to do a survey?" the answer was "No"--"Are you the owner or whoever told you to turn off the lights" Answer--"no"--"Are in any position to give orders here?"-- Answer "No"-- "Then I suggest you up with the zipper and down with the light switch"

Moral being--Its in the spec-- they want it--they are paying for it--you are working for them--So Up with the zipper and down with the light switch.
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