- Location
- Minnesota
- Can MC be cable tied to other MC? Example: running 1 piece of mc down a metal stud, securing it with 3/8" staps, then adding additional mc along the same stud with cable ties to the first MC.
2. When calculating the ampacity for a circuit supplying multiple continuous motors, do you still only use 125% of the largest + 100% of the others? Even if the others are continuous?
3. Is a GFCI receptacle located under a sink considered to be readily accessible? The code does not define readily accessible as having to go "under something." Also, my coworker used the argument that it is not readily accessible because you have to remove the items under your sink to reach it (items the home owner placed there), but by that logic, counter tops wouldn't be readily accessible either because the owner could place a crock pot in front of it etc.
> other note: My 10 year journeyman says he failed an inspection because a GFCI was under the sink and the inspector told him "an old lady cant get down there to reset it." Well what about really "short people," who would potentially have to get a ladder to reach the counter top GFCI?
Thanks for any input, and please site code from the 2014 nec to back up any reasoning, thanks.