3-way switch wires

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I'm putting in a sup panel in a garage and running # 4 because of voltage drop. All in conduit and plan on running #12s in same conduit for a outside light on garage to able to turn on and off from the house. All normal to me. I been told now that I can't have the #12s can land in the panels. I was planning on transitioning to NM once inside the garage. Articles that say different. I know we can't use the panel for a j-box. Looking for that article too.

Thank Gus
Article 230.7 Address other conductors in raceway or cable but I talking about are feeders not service wires.
Feeder and branch circuit conductors are permitted in the same raceway if that's what you're asking. However derating may lower the feeder ampacity beyond your desired current level.
I been told now that I can't have the #12s can land in the panels.

If you mean using the neutral bar in the panel that is correct but you certainly can splice in the panel. If you are under the 2011 you are required to mark where those conductors are fed from if not from the garage panel.
Is this a separate out building? If so, and I can't reference an article number right now but if I'm not mistaken only one circuit may be run from building to building. Eg a 120 volt ckt 1 hot 1 neutral, or a 220 volt ckt 2 hots and 1 neutral. Ground is required either way. So pulling feeders and travellers from building to building whether in same conduit or not would be a violation. Always could be mistaken on that though.
Is this a separate out building? If so, and I can't reference an article number right now but if I'm not mistaken only one circuit may be run from building to building. Eg a 120 volt ckt 1 hot 1 neutral, or a 220 volt ckt 2 hots and 1 neutral. Ground is required either way. So pulling feeders and travellers from building to building whether in same conduit or not would be a violation. Always could be mistaken on that though.

That is art.225.30 that you are referencing but look at (D) in that section
Yes this is a separate building, I'm running the feed from the house to the separate garage in the same 11/4 conduit that I plan on running the travelers for the garage outside light.
Thanks, Dennis, for the 225.20 citation.

I do note that further on in 225 -225.31 to be specific- it calls for a means to disconnect 'all ungrounded conductors.'

I've seen plenty of shops and garages with the lights controlled by a switch in the house.

I've seen plenty of shops and garages with outside disconnects for the panel inside.

But ...

I don't think I've ever seen such a building with a second disconnect for the outside light circuit. Nor have I deen disconnects for alarm, data, and phone cables - though calling these wires 'ungrounded conductors' is pushing things.

Yet, as I read it, you need a 2-pole disconnect for those outside lights, placed next to wherever your disconnect for the panel is. Am I reading this correctly?
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