3 way switches

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If I have a single switch box, which is wired to be a dead end 3 way (black and red are travelers, bare ground, and white is my power)...is it possible to jump out and add a 120v receptacle? How do I grab a neutral?

al hildenbrand

Senior Member
Electrical Contractor, Electrical Consultant, Electrical Engineer
Is the neutral present at the other threeway?

If so, convert from a hardwired threeway to an X-10 type, or wireless type, threeway and put the neutral on the white, hot on black and abandon the red.

If the cable from the luminaire(s) is only a two-wire (pure switch loop), then there is no neutral. . . .probably.


Senior Member
al hildenbrand said:
Is the neutral present at the other threeway?

If so, convert from a hardwired threeway to an X-10 type, or wireless type, threeway and put the neutral on the white, hot on black and abandon the red.

If the cable from the luminaire(s) is only a two-wire (pure switch loop), then there is no neutral. . . .probably.

or tap your recept out of a diffent device somehere else:grin:
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