In my area if we "alter" the service at all at a residence we are almost always required to install a new meter/main with overcorrect protection. The Utility requires it.
What I am confused about is that if the home is old enough to have only a 3 wire feed from the transformer (no EGC), they do not require you to pull the ground. So we go to all the trouble of installing a meter/main but there is no EGC.
This is where I get a little foggy. I am wondering what type of fault makes that new OCPD useful? I'm guessing if there was a Line to Line or Line to neutral short that new breaker would hopefully trip, right?
Why did they start to require an EGC be pulled? I'm curious how and why these rulings evolve.
What I am confused about is that if the home is old enough to have only a 3 wire feed from the transformer (no EGC), they do not require you to pull the ground. So we go to all the trouble of installing a meter/main but there is no EGC.
This is where I get a little foggy. I am wondering what type of fault makes that new OCPD useful? I'm guessing if there was a Line to Line or Line to neutral short that new breaker would hopefully trip, right?
Why did they start to require an EGC be pulled? I'm curious how and why these rulings evolve.