I think it?s jobsite chatter but it may be a unique specification to this particular project.
The grounding system consists of: 1) the service grounded conductor, 2) bonding and bonding conductors, 3) electrode and electrode conductors.
The service grounded conductor has a duel purpose in that it is the return path for the unbalanced load and it is the effective fault current path to source so in the event of a short current will travel this path excessively and open the source.
The bonding purpose is to provide an effective fault current path to source so in the event of a short current will travel this path excessively and open the source.
The electrodes purpose is to connect to earth, with no more than 25 ohms resistance, to ?limit the voltage imposed by lightning, line surges, or unintentional contact with higher-voltage lines?.
In each of these parts of a grounding system the conductors and their connections must be correctly applied
So once you install the grounding system (as per Article 250 parts I-X, 13 pages of criteria) the structure will be minimally electrically safe.
250-52 gives us the types of electrodes and I do not see 30 meters in it, ufers and rings each require 6 meters (20?)