Wanted to get some clarity on mc support in a tbar ceiling with drop in panels 330.30 says 6ft max for no support and connectors may be used at luminare for support. If the distance between fixtures was 8 ft 300.11 says need support wire independent of grid . Question: can the connector still be used as support for the 1 ft within fixture requirement, if using a support wire in the center of the 8ft mc run.
Questing 2 : would a tbar with drywall be excluded form 330.30 since it is not accesible throughout. (Only accesible at a few location)
Can connectors be used as support.
Wasn't sure if heavy duty tbar that is used for drywall applied to all codes for tbar drop in ceilings. Thanks!
Questing 2 : would a tbar with drywall be excluded form 330.30 since it is not accesible throughout. (Only accesible at a few location)
Can connectors be used as support.
Wasn't sure if heavy duty tbar that is used for drywall applied to all codes for tbar drop in ceilings. Thanks!