300.4 (g)

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300.4 (g) says , bushing made totally of insullated material can not be used to secure a fitting or raceway.
Does that mean I can use a steel grounding bushing with out a lock nut to secure a EMT fitting? I also cant find any spec on the bushing (NEER GBL-500) that addresses being used to secure fitting. Any information would be greatly appreicated. Thank you
I believe if the metallic bushing fits snuggly to the box then a locknut is not required. I have never done that but I believe that is the intent.
??? Threads too short? If it's a chase nipple, they do make long throats. If it's a pipe, just add a nipple somewhere easy to keep it real? Am betting that the purpose of a bushing is to protect against wire damage, and bonding per 250.118. Not a part of raceway assembly strength per 110.3(B). I could be wrong....
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