352.10(F) Exposed. PVC conduit shall be permitted for exposed work. PVC conduit used exposed in areas of physical damage
shall be identified for the use.
Informational Note: PVC Conduit, Type Schedule 80, is identified for areas of physical damage.
If I have a riser coming up out of ground and into an enclosure obviously the conductors need to be protected from physical damage.
Does that automatically mean Sch 80 PVC versus 40?
Where in the code does it call out for Sch 80?
They clarified this issue for PVC used for the protection of grounding electrode conductors in the 2020 code. 250.64(B)(2) & (3) were revised to say that if the GEC needs protection and you are using RNC for that protection, that it must be schedule 80. However, as far as I know that is the ony place that change was made. I expect there will be PIs for the 2023 code to make that change global.It’s the type, not the thickness. It never specifies anything other than RNC (PVC) and minimum thickness is schedule 40. 80 is going beyond Code.
You can use RNC (PVC), RMC, IMC, and a few others. What you need to do is keep reading in chapter 3. It gives a laundry list of raceways and cable types and where they are allowed and where they are not for each type.