30kva PV array-panel board

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New User
Janesville, ia
Retired BASE electrican, owner
I watched your utube on pv array and buss bars. If I tapped the line side of my panel with the PVcombiner box conductors, I still have the buss ratings of the meter panel buss/main CB, 8 pole buss.
I wanted to feed my out byielding with 200a breaker/cuicuit, and 200a circuit to my 200a house load center.
The PV array will be 2 each 15kva inverters, name plate of inveter.
Besides going with a 400a meter/CB, any ideas?
Mil bank do not rate the buss bars in the equipement.

I am I but unclear of the setup. Perhaps a drawing and/or more clear explanation would help.....but if you have a 200A meter main with feed through lugs, what about just putting a box or wireway next to the meter main, and tap the feeder coming off the feed thru lugs?
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