I am puting together a 600 amp residential service with 3-200 amp breaker type disconnects with 3 parallel 4/0 AL URD conductors from the transformer. The disconnects feed 3-200 amp panels in the residence. The service laterals pass through a CT can required by Holy Cross Electric in Colorado for metering. From the disconnects I am using 3 runs of 4/0 SER to feed the 3-200 amp panels as we have done for many years. My new inspector has recently stated that we will need 300 MCM wire to feed any 200 amp panel in a residence unless it is the only 200 amp panel on a 200 amp disconnect. What I would like to know is if you parallel 3-200 amp runs from the transformer and they go to 3-200 amp breakers which go to 3-200 amp panels then why does not this rule apply??