320.23 and Running Boards

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A/A Fuel GTX

Senior Member
In an area where running boards are kinda rare, I am wondering what 320.23 actually says. If I read it correctly, any wiring within 6' of an attic scuttle hole must be protected if there is no permanent ladder or stairway present. Is substantial protection or running boards something that the cable rides on top of or are the running boards run parallel with the cable in essence sandwiching the cable in between the running boards? Most of the attics around here are loaded with blown in insulation and the scuttle hole is a forgotten item. On another note, lets say the scuttle hole is in the garage where the ceiling is not insulated. There is a fold down ladder used to access the attic space. There is no flooring installed in the attic here. Is the 6' rule all that's required to be met here?
Locally the running boards are added and the Romex runs along side them to keep one from stepping on the Romex or laying something on top of it.
I argued for years that with pulldown stairs, the entire attic was subject to the 320.23 rule, however, local AHJs have ruled the 6 ft area.
One answer give on the Forum is that in most attics now, the framing members are not floor joists designed to support but ceiling framing members. It's somewhat a "word game" to me, but it allowed me to accept long standing parctice and quit arguing,:)
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