322 Part III

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Section/Paragraph: 322 Part III

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III. Construction Specifications


Articles 310 through 320, 326 through 336, and 340 through 398 all title part III (if they have one) "III. Construction Specification". Articles 322, 324, and 338 omit "Specifications" in the title. The contents of Part III of 322, 324, and 338 all parallel the contents of the other article's Part III.

The use of the same language for the same thing makes the Code easier to understand. With the titles the same one need not puzzle of what difference there is in Parts III of 322, 324, and 338 when compared with the other Chapter 3 articles.


3.3.5 Parallel Construction. Parallel construction means stating similar requirements in similar ways for greater consistency. This helps makes the NEC clear for users. Lack of consistency often creates confusion, causing users to ask: Does this difference in wording represent a different requirement? Or is it simply two different ways of trying to say the same thing?

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It is my opinion that the construction specifications fro products are well outside the scope of the NEC and all should be deleted. Those issues are addressed in the various product standards.
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