Re: 3phase230v motor 208 supply
The May 2004 EC&M Mabgazine has an excellent artical "Understanding Induction Motor Nameplate Information" written by Ed Cowren of Baldor Electric Co.
It is to be noted that motors should be able succesfully operate at +-10% of their name plate voltage. So 230v x 90%= 207v.
However, that most important issue is will the 208 voltage drop below 207v.
The type of loads that are driven must also be considered.
At 90% NP voltage starting and maximum torque may be down 19%, slip may increase 20-30%, FL efficiency down as much as 2%, at 3/4 and 1/2 load less than 1%, power fact up to as much as 7%, at 3/4 and FL, and up to 10% at 1/2 load, FLA up 5-10%, starting current down 10%, FL temp. rise down 10-15%. and maximimum OL capacity down 19%.
If it can be assured that the voltage be maintained at 207v and above you may be OK.