On a service change if I have a existing underground metal water pipe GEC # 6 ,I supplement the water pipe with a ground rod,I drive my ground rod right next to my water pipe.I bond rod to water,my MSP is on the other side of the house,do I need to put a another ground rod even though I have two GEC water and the ground rod I just drove in,I'm asking cause it seems like every AHJ wants a 2nd Ground rod,9 times out of 10 where the MSP is it is concrete I have to roto hammer the concrete get it has close to the wall has possible,9 Times out of 10 I hit over spell of the foundation.I don't think anybody likes driving ground rods,Is the code supplement underground water pipe with another Grounding electrode only one ground rod Done! I can't find anything 250.53(D) that tells me I have to make sure that that supplemental ground rod has 25 ohms are less I'm I missing something