I am trying to understand how 4-20mA analog inputs work. Here is how I see it: 2 terminals from the device sending the signal feeding 2 terminals receiving the signal. The 4-20mA signal is generated from a transistor circuit in the sending device and sent from one of its sending terminal in the receiving terminal in the sending divice, where the current is transformed and interpreted by another transistor/resistor/op-amp circuit.
The next step may seem obvious but I have never read it anywhere to verify it. The current then leaves out the 2nd terminal of the receiving device and is sent back into the 2nd terminal where it is grounded.
A 4-20mA analog output system consists of 2 wires. One wire to send the signal, and one wire to return the signal. The current that leaves the sending device is returned to it, and that is why we need 2 wires.
The reason for my question is that I am trying to find a way to gurantee that I have a low signal (4mA or less) under certain situations, and then during other situations I want the analog output to be proportioned by a PID controller. If I install a relay between the wires of the 4-20mA analog output that will short them together until I need the PID controller. When I need the proportioned control I can open the relay and the 4-20mA will function as normal.
Does this sound reasonable and harmless? If the 4-20mA wires are shorted, all of the current will bypass the receiving device and be sent directly back to the sending device.
The next step may seem obvious but I have never read it anywhere to verify it. The current then leaves out the 2nd terminal of the receiving device and is sent back into the 2nd terminal where it is grounded.
A 4-20mA analog output system consists of 2 wires. One wire to send the signal, and one wire to return the signal. The current that leaves the sending device is returned to it, and that is why we need 2 wires.
The reason for my question is that I am trying to find a way to gurantee that I have a low signal (4mA or less) under certain situations, and then during other situations I want the analog output to be proportioned by a PID controller. If I install a relay between the wires of the 4-20mA analog output that will short them together until I need the PID controller. When I need the proportioned control I can open the relay and the 4-20mA will function as normal.
Does this sound reasonable and harmless? If the 4-20mA wires are shorted, all of the current will bypass the receiving device and be sent directly back to the sending device.