4-inch non-IC remodel recessed lights

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It seems that the only kind of 4" remodel recessed housings sold by Home Depot are the non-IC rated. The reason for this is due to the heat produced by incandescent bulbs. That being said, could these be used in insulated ceilings as long as a trim is used with a built-in LED? Since these don't generate much heat, would that still be a problem? Perhaps a better question is, why can't all recessed housings just be made IC-rated? HD doesn't even sell the 6" non-IC rated ones anymore.
Yw. They may be internet-only orders, but Im pretty sure we've gotten IC rated 4" cans from Lowes/HD recently in the store.

I see on the HD site that they have a store SKU, #327574, so that means that at least some stores carry the item. It would be pretty stupid on HD's part to make that item Internet-only, while keeping the non-IC ones readily available. IC-rated ones would be used far more times than non-IC. If anything they should make the non-IC available internet-only, if at all. I see no reason why non-IC cans need to exist at all, especially if IC-rated ones can be made and sold for the same cost.
These cans are fairly readily available at supply houses. They work nicely because they have only the interlocking pigtail, not the socket, so they can not be inadvertently relamped with incandescent later. We wanted to use another manufacturers trim with these on a job but they would not allow use of just their matching pigtail, they had not UL listed it except as a screw in adapter. We pointed out to them how silly that was, but have not heard that they have changed that. Interesting dilemna! Note that on the HD site they show the Halo matching trims being ordered with them.
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