4 Point Saddle Question

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Senior Member
Hello All,

Thank you for taking the time to look at this post and maybe provide some feedback. When teaching a 4 point saddle, our book shows that the shrinkage should be applied to the first bend based on 1/4 inch per inch of rise of obstruction for a 30 degree bend. What is not clear is, is this shrinkage at all 4 bends or just bends 1 and 4 (the two bends along the bottom of the obstruction where the conduit is in its normal path)? Seems like it would only be necessary at the base bend of each offset.

Thanks for your help.
By the way, I am licensed Master Electrician and educator. I have never taught pipe bending but have bent pipe for years. I'm just trying to understand why the book shows shrinkage (3/4 bender) at both bends coming up to the top of obstacle. Never done it that way.
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