So I had someone ask me the other day and I could not a answer him so it got me thinking should it not just be a standard, and figured this would be the best place to find out…on a four way switch it’s pretty straight forward that the travelers follow the color of the screws to determine the what I call “matching pair” and terminate the travelers accordingly. The interesting thing is why do some manufactures make the “matching pair” the same side [ex. Left side in right side out] vs top / bottom [ex. Top in bottom out] and some older switches I have seen all four screws use the same color??? Is there a manufacturing or industry standard that requires side in out vs top / bottom in out? Or is and has this always been manufacture dependent so for example you could have a multiple four way installation with two different “matching pair” arrangements making the circuit just that much more confusing…are there any good diagrams showing the internal connections of the matching pairs when the switch is up or down, just trying to better understand how the internal construction of the switch works? thanks everyone...