400 amp meter combo grounding

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Hello all,

I am installing a 400 amp meter base combo.I have seen plenty of example of 400 amp meter bases with separate 200 amp disconnects. These separate disconnects typically have a grounding bare and a hole punch to bring the grounding wire out through eco suit down to the grounding rods. This meter combo from milbank only has 2 large wholes to bring my 4/0-4/0-4/0-2/0 wires through. Since this box only has a spot for 3 equipment grounds that are a max size of 1/0 where do I run my 2/0 ground wires to? Also if I am running my ground wires to this disconnect, how do I exit the ground wire out of the meter base to go to the grounding rods. I have talked to our inspector and power company(Duke) and they do not seem to have a ton of exact advice on these meter combos and recommended maybe just running my ground wires from my inside breaker boxes. I have already run and purchases the 4 conductor wire so I am hoping to connect to ground through my meter base. Thanks

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