400 Amp Panel

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Existing 400Amp panel, Main Lug 3P, 120-208vOLT with a High Leg, Total of breakers in panel is 2-150Amp 2Pole, and 4-200Amp 3Pole breakers in it. Is it legal or does it have to have a means of a disconnect??? Feed from CT Cabinet located 10' away. All breakers are Controlling Sub Panels thru out a warehouse and None of them have any Main breakers as well..
Sounds like a service panel if the only thing ahead of it is a CT, and as far as the number of breakers, it is legal (230.71--6 disconnect rule).
The breakers in this panel can serve as the mains for the panels they feed.
The 120/208 panel on a 240 hi-leg service, however, is probably not to Code.
Existing 400Amp panel, Main Lug 3P, 120-208vOLT with a High Leg,
120/240v with a 208v high leg, actually.

Total of breakers in panel is 2-150Amp 2Pole, and 4-200Amp 3Pole breakers in it. Is it legal or does it have to have a means of a disconnect???
Legal, with the usual based-on-your-description disclaimer.

Feed from CT Cabinet located 10' away. All breakers are Controlling Sub Panels thru out a warehouse and None of them have any Main breakers as well..
None needed within the same building.
If the system is in fact a 240/120 Hi-Leg Delta, you need to look at 240.85 in regard to all the panels/breakers.
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