there is two separate meters, 1 for each system. Does the nec allow for both systems to be in 1 raceway and/or in same pull box. The bldg is 150,000 sq. ft. I think they should be kept completely separate in all manors. Where is the article.
There may be a NEC provision to prevent conductors from two different services sharing a common raceway, but I am not aware of it.
If the conductors are under POCO control, you might check with them.
230.7 does prohibit conductors other than service sharing the same raceway as the service conductors.
After your service disconnect, there is no prohibiting Code.
You must follow 210.5 however.
You may want to check with your AHJ as well. Our city (San Francisco), for example, has a specific code section which prohibits separately derived or separately metered wiring from being combined in the same raceway.
You may want to check with your AHJ as well. Our city (San Francisco), for example, has a specific code section which prohibits separately derived or separately metered wiring from being combined in the same raceway.
Derek - could you please provide that code section? I have a copy of the SFO electrical code and cannot find that particular prohibition. [I'm looking in Art. 230...maybe that's the wrong place]. - Thank you
I'm a little confused here (what's new) why is this even a consideration? You have two transformers so the feeders can't be combined along with a 4000 amp service which would require multiple parallel feeders anyway? More information please.