400KVA Transformer to Power up 500KVA load

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Is it possible to use the 400KVA 3phase transformer to power up a load of 500KVA. The load has a utilization/simultaneous factor of 0.7. What else should I consider if I will use the transformer?

I don't know what you are asking or telling us.

In any case, transformer sizing is a design decision and not covered by the NEC. It is up to the engineer to size it.
Is it possible to use the 400KVA 3phase transformer to power up a load of 500KVA. The load has a utilization/simultaneous factor of 0.7. What else should I consider if I will use the transformer?

You have told us very little about the rating of the transformer itself which is basically slim to none. Provide us all of the information for the transformer as well an the what the actual dynamics of what the load requirements are and maybe an opinion can be provided.
However at this point I would say no given the very limited information provided.
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