40A residential range

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Senior Member
Can a residential range (in a dwelling unit) receptacle be connected to a 40A circuit breaker with wiring sized for 40A? The range used is less than 40A. The range literature says 40A circuit breaker. The receptacle will be 50A.
Is there anything that says that the 50A receptacle needs to be connected to a 50A circuit?

This does not affect the sizing of feeders and service. I am asking what is required (not what should be done).
I agree-- sounds good. The minimum size for a range 8 3/4 kw or more is 40 amps-- 210.19(A)(3). Look at T. 210.21 (B)(3)
A single receptacle can be of an ampacity larger than that of the OCPD on the circuit.

210.21 Outlet Devices. Outlet devices shall have an am-
pere rating that is not less than the load to be served and
shall comply with 210.21(A) and (B).
(A) Lampholders. Where connected to a branch circuit
having a rating in excess of 20 amperes, lampholders shall
be of the heavy-duty type. A heavy-duty lampholder shall
have a rating of not less than 660 watts if of the admedium
type, or not less than 750 watts if of any other type.
(B) Receptacles.
(1) Single Receptacle on an Individual Branch Circuit.
A single receptacle installed on an individual branch circuit
shall have an ampere rating not less than that of the branch
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