I work for an LED lighting manufacturer and am designing a new product. We would like to utilize a track type system for 24 volts Class 2 use and want it to be usable below 7 feet above the finished floor. Does anyone know what UL is looking for in specifically listing a product with exposed conductors for use below 7 ft to comply with 411.5(C)? I have searched UL 1574 and can't find this 7 foot rule mentioned. In 1574 17.1 Exception No. 1 says the conductors need not be inaccessible if under 30 volts and isolated as Class 2 circuits are. The only thing I can guess is the conductors have to be shrouded so the UL articulate probe can't contact them, as they do for line voltage track systems. I've seen other low voltage track systems and they seem to deal with the issue by using higher voltage style shrouded conductors. I would like to utilize conductive ribbon conductors in a partially shrouded track to reduce manufacturing cost. This however won't completely escape the articulate probe. Do we have any other options here?