430.109 ( E ) Motor Isolating Switch

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Your question is kind of trick, I think there more to your question and the potential application then your stating, or gained some confusion alone the way.

I don't think you can find a ;Switch, General-Use Snap, that will be rated 100HP.

All of 439.109 must be met, If you go back to and read Article 100 and read Controller; Switch General-Use; Switch, General-Use Snap, and Switch, Motor-Circuit. Keep that in mind as you move forward to 430.81, 480.83 from what I found/recall - ratings in no case can A Switch, General-Use Snap, be used above 2 hp an less than 300 Volts.

If you read 430.109 (E), you'll need a rated Switch General-Use, not a Switch General-Use Snap.
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