I am sizing my over Current protection for a step up 45 KVA transformer . Going from 240volt 3phase to 480 volt 3 phase. My primary current comes out to 108amps. table 450.3 says maximum ratting of overcurrent protection So can I use a 100 amp breaker to protect that transformer?
I would like to use a three pole 240 volt 125 amp breaker but they do not make one for a plug on QO or seamans panel. Thye make a two pole 125 amp breaker but no three pole does any one know why?
Thank You
I would like to use a three pole 240 volt 125 amp breaker but they do not make one for a plug on QO or seamans panel. Thye make a two pole 125 amp breaker but no three pole does any one know why?
Thank You