450 degrees

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billdozier 78

The job I got placed on the geniuses obviously did not realize the limit of bends is 360 degrees. Installing boxes is not an option per guy running the job due to ease or
lack of. Face Palm.:slaphead: So I'm looking at article 90.1b and thinking that eliminates the ease of pulling wires. So it seems to me it's a theory thing. Having to do with the flow of electrons. Or the stretching of the wires and tinsel strength. Does anyone happen to know which one it is? Or am I way off?
I believe the 360? has to do with protecting the conductors being pulled from being stretched beyond their limit.
You compensate for this by pulling larger conductors. It gets complicated to calculate - that is why NEC doesn't detail any of it. But if conditions are right you can start pulling 4AWG and finished installation will be 10 AWG:lol:
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