45KVA 600-120/208 3 phase transformer ceiling mounted

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Senior Member
Hello all,

I had an Mechanical engineer who offered to mount the 171kg transformer off the floor for space. The wall was hollow cinder Block, which I had thought of bolting through to metal plate on the other side but uncertain if it would be acceptable as adequate Seismic suypport for th 171kg transformer. The Engineer grabbed some cantrus and 5/8" threaded rod, which we sleeved with the available 3/4" emt pipe for stability, and eventually siesmic wire at 45 degree angles. I was wondering if the cantrus in the Qdeck suspending the cantrus under the transformer was an acceptable means of support? I seen it in another Building, but do not recalll what size of EMT they used, nor did I see the size of threaded rod.... curious because it is supposed to be inspected by an siesmic Engineer, but the COntractor says not to worry..he has it covered?

The "Commercial" 45 KVA Transformer weighing 171kgs had an kit that attached two plates for wall mounting. if Wedge Anchors were used in concrete wall such as on an Tilt Up Warehouse, would that require anay other means of support to be copsidered seismiced? We used to have angle iron welded into two triangles that the Transformer would sit on for the Tilt Up installs I had seen years ago.
Nobody can really answer this question without knowing the precise condition of the wall and the seismic zone that applies to the area in question. This needs to be an engineered solution that cannot be answered on an online forum.
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