I am looking for code references that *REQUIRE* a 480V feeder to have adjustments made when run underground.
1200A feeder with (4) sets of 350 kcmil THWN which would seem to have 1240 amps of capacity except they are run 20-25 feet underground.
Ron, the code in 310.15 does talk about ambient temperature, but that isn't the same thing as self induced heating. That is one of the major points here. These are not equal.
310.60(C)(77) has tables for specific duct banks that even indicate in their heading based on "Ambient Earth Temp of 20°C" NEC recognizes that its not the ambient temperature, but is the lack of thermal conductivity.
Everything discussed up to this point has skirted the core question.
Is there a code reference that clearly requires derating of a 480V feeder running underground?
The comment by luckylerado has been the core of the EC position: its not a MV feeder so they don't have to increase wire size.
I did see that comment about under 10 feet, but I am at least 20 feet.
I think it might be good engineering practice to upsize the feeder, but my opinion doesn't carry much sway.
Based on our 10 hr/day usage I don't expect anywhere near 100% load factor, but we don't even get to that point in the discussion.
Thank you all, and I welcome any input you have.