5, 90 bends in 2” U/G control conduit, ok?

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Senior Member
Baton Rouge
Electrical Inspector
The E&C firm says it’s ok to go over NEC maximum number of 360 degree bends as long as the conductors are small and conduit fill doesn’t exceed 40%...and the runs “aren’t too long”.
Some of the underground conduits have nearly 500 degrees of bends without a pull point.
Is this legit?

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There are undoubtedly conditions where more than 360 degrees of bends will not cause problems. Nonetheless, it’s still a code violation.

How about if the E&C firm provides pull calculations that show side wall pressure is not a factor and uses 90.4 to get special permission from the AHJ?

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Still a code violation until you have that signed document from the AHJ. Notarized and accepted by all parties involved. CYA.
90,4 only requires a written permission from the AHJ to do something like this. The only party that has to accept it is the AHJ, and there is no requirement for any kind of notarization or other stamps on the written permission.
By special permission, the authority having jurisdiction may waive specific requirements in this Code or permit alternative methods where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and maintaining effective safety. ...

Special Permission.
The written consent of the authority having jurisdiction. (CMP-1)
Good luck with that,,,, engineers are always saying "it’s not required” until an inspector says “here’s the code section, period!” End of conversation, if the code requires it, justify not doing it with a solid reason!
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